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Achoo Mix


The Achoo Mix - 2 oz

was created to help the healing process of common URIs.

It cannot replace a vet visit or antibiotics but can help with the treatment.

Upper Respiratory Infections or short "URIs" are quite common in small animals originating in stress, underlying health conditions, age or inadequate living conditions.

It contains the following: Rosebuds, Calendulas, Sage, Cornflowers, Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Plantain, Marshmallow leaves.


Rosebuds have a calming effect on the g.i. tract. 

Calendulas are anti-inflammatory, anti-septic and anti-bacterial. 

Sage is an "expectorant" which helps expel mucous from the respiratory tract. 

Cornflowers with a congested chest, fever and water retention.

 Chamomile has anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties and helps with a cold.

 Lemon Balm has a calming effect on the body and lungs.

 Plantain is anti-inflammatory, it's a diuretic and helps with colds.

Marshmallow leaves help with inflammation of the mucous membranes that line the respiratory tract.

It is used for dry cough, stomach inflammation, diarrhea, constipation, urinary traction infections and even stones.


Please keep always in mind when you serve your pet new food:
Some animals need their time to smell and try it since a lot of them have never smelled a flower or certain herbs before. 

Start with a 1oz bag unless you KNOW your pet loves that kind of treat since we do not offer refunds, exchange or returns on food.
Please note that depending on the time of harvest and weather conditions the color and size of the items may vary.

Item does not include bowl.
Please note that some of these herbs like dandelions, red clover and nettles contain a larger amount of calcium compared to other herbs or flowers. In their fresh state some of these herbs may be diuretic but if you have an animal with bladder stones or issues with bladder sludge we suggest to consult your vet before offering these as treats.
FDA Disclaimer
The products and statements made about specific products on this web site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Alina Weber
Achoo Mix

My bunnies absolutely love it! I mix in the daily pellet amount and they are in love!

Stephanie Visinho
Good forage mix

My buns have enjoyed this mix. I like that it’s a combination of flowers/herbs that have health benefits, especially for those that get sick.

Maria Salvador

My girl bun seems to like this one more than her husbun - which is good, because she’s usually the one that has a sneezing every now and again. Seems to have helped, and she likes it!

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Alina Weber
Achoo Mix

My bunnies absolutely love it! I mix in the daily pellet amount and they are in love!

Stephanie Visinho
Good forage mix

My buns have enjoyed this mix. I like that it’s a combination of flowers/herbs that have health benefits, especially for those that get sick.

Maria Salvador

My girl bun seems to like this one more than her husbun - which is good, because she’s usually the one that has a sneezing every now and again. Seems to have helped, and she likes it!